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15 Things Worth Knowing About Your Cat

Cats are one of the animal species with human-friendly but also very much about this pet that you do not know.

Discover 15 best little thing to know about cats, 
interesting animal facts:

1. Cats are popular pets in America. A total of 88 million to 74 million cats compared to dogs.

2. Some cats have survived a fall from a height of 320 meters (32 floors). This is largely reflective of the cats, also known as "reflective equilibrium".

3. Each year almost 4 million cats in China would be slaughtered.

4. Cats have 32 ribs to control his ears while humans only 6. Therefore, the cat's ears are very sensitive.

5. A cat has been elected mayor of Talkeetna, Alaska in 15 years.

6. Cats do not like sweetness.

7. Sleep accounted for 70% of the life of the cat.

8. The world's longest cat ever measured was 48.5 inches (1.23 m).

9. oldest Videos on Youtube cats from 1894.

10. Researchers have shown that owning a cat in the home can help reduce heart disease and more than 1/3 of stroke.

11. Unlike dogs, cats adulthood only know purr to communicate with humans.

12. The CIA spent $ 20 million to train 60 cats to spy on the Soviet Union. First spy cat is awarded a cab.

13. A cat each inherited $ 13 million in total assets of the employer in Italy.

14. In Korea and Japan, there are a few cafes cats. Where you can get to drink coffee and play with the cat for several hours.

15. According to a study, cats recognize the voice of the owner, but they were quite calm.

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